i will b posting all types of shit today so dont b surprised if u see everything all under 1 date.
Sooo..this post just talkz a little about my inspiration. Fashion wise, i am inspired by sooooo many different ppl. Everyday, i will try to post something new about the different ppl who inspire me. Anyone from celebrities, to friends, to ppl i just met, and so-on and so-fourth. eachday will be dedicated to someone new...heck, i may even do 3, 4, 5 ppl a day..dependz on time and duties....anywho...
This post will be focused on no other than Rihanna. Rihanna has made a tremendous 360fashion wise and i am SOOOO inspired! But lets git this one thing straight, im not her fukkin groupy and i dont suck her d*ck. I dont really like her muzik, but i can admit, she does have a catchy toon. Musically, she does not catch my attention, but fashionably, THATZ MY BITCH! One thing i love about her is that shez not afraid 2 take risk. She can take things that have been thrown in the closet of no return and bring it back to life. She wearz whut she wanna, and she dont giva shit whut anyone has to say. Thats the kidna attitude i need. Another thing i love about her is the hair of course. Her shit iz never ending. After she cut it really short, i thought her trend settin dayz were over...itz not much u can do with short hair. But she has proved me WRONG WRONG WRONG! Plz Continue to be you and continue to keep me on my toes! thankz for inspiring me!

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