I haven't done an inspiration blog in a minute. But I realized in order 4 me 2 get better and learn more about what I'm passionate about, i need inspiration.
This blog is dedicated to my most deserving friend TONiKA HOWARD. Girl you r the BOMB.COM!
Your style is so amazing and cant NOBODY duplicate...they couldn't even do it if they tried. Over the past two years I've known you, u have been one of my fashion role models; u don't know this but I've learned SO much from you. One thing that i can honestly say ive learned was to TAKE RISK. I really appreciate you 4 this. i have alot of insecurities and i always let that get in the way of the one thing i truly love;FASHION. But you've showed me that in the fashion world; anything iz possible.

One thing i admire about u is if u like something, you wear it; and wear it well! u don't give a fukk what anyone has to say...and even if you did, u do a damn good job at acting like you dont care; n thatz a pretty powerful thing my friend. This is one quality im learning to master. Itz not so much that i care what ppl think, i just don't feel comfortable wearing certain things. but becuz of you, i have let some of that go. Another thing i admire is that we all know times are hard and everyone isnt stable financially (i know im not) but u know how 2 stretch ur money. My good friend; u may not have alot but u know how 2 make do with what you've got. I have never seen u repeat a complete outfit. Thats hard for many ppl but itz amazing how u make it work. Howard, all there is left to say iz NEVER NEVER NEVER lose yourself; plz stay that wonderful goofy person i look up to. Good luck on your future endeavours..

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